Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)


Children are an important part of life at SEC and we praise God for each one!
Sunday School - From September to June we offer Sunday School classes at 9:30 a.m. for all ages. During Sunday School, children will be welcomed by caring teachers who will offer Bible lessons in a fun and age-appropriate way. During the summer, when there is no Sunday School, activity pages are provided.
Children's Church - Children’s Church takes place during the sermon portion of our worship service on Sunday mornings (September - June). Children ages 3-7 will be invited to the front of the church for a prayer of blessing before being sent off to enjoy a time of fun and learning under the supervision of our caring Children’s Church volunteers.
Children's Feature - Occasionally during our worship service, a children’s feature will be offered. This could be a story or a puppet show or an illustration; always with a message attached and always with a treat at the end!
DVBS - DVBS is an exciting week in summer where kids have a blast with leaders and other kids! Includes stories, games, songs and snacks. (This event depends on the availability of volunteers and therefore may not run each summer.)
Our volunteers involved in children's ministry have gone through the Plan to Protect program. www.plantoprotect.com
Through Bible study, recreational activities, one-on-one coffee times, and genuine friendship, Pastor Adam and his leadership team are committed to guiding youth in their walk with God and showing them what it is to be a follower of Christ.
Sr. Youth, Wednesdays at 7p.m. to 9p.m
Jr. Youth, Fridays at 7p.m. to 9p.m
College and Career, Thursdays at 7:00p.m.
Our volunteers involved in the youth ministry have gone through the Plan to Protect program.
Sunday School Class starts at 9:30 am each Sunday, September to June. There are classes for all ages! The coffee is on by 9:15 am (Sept. - June)! For 2023, we will begin regular classes on September 17th. 
Bible Study normally runs from fall to spring. Contact the church, or check our calendar, for current information.
Young Couples meet several times a year for fun and fellowship.
50+ Socials run several times a year and are announced several weeks in advance.
Fellowship Lunches (Sundays) take place on a somewhat regular basis. Watch the calendar for these announcements.
Fellowship Coffee is at 9:30am on the second Wednesday of every month with the exception of July and August.
Ladies only events take place occasionally.
Couples and family events are planned by various members.
Coffee - Thanks to a few volunteers, there is coffee ready by 9:15 am each Sunday. Grab a cup on your way to Sunday School!
Meal trains are organized for those who have just had a baby or are sick or have had surgery. There is joy in blessing others.
Potlucks and Banquets - Our Food Coordinator works with various departments of our church to facilitate occasional potlucks and our annual Christmas Banquet.
Showers - Bridal showers and baby showers are wonderful reasons to get together to celebrate and offer encouragement.
Ushers - Their Sunday morning presence is an important first point of greeting as well as a necessary point of guidance in our sanctuary.
Decorations - Our Decorating Committee is committed to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all who enter.
Picnics - Each June, we celebrate together with a Church Family Picnic. Fellowship, food and fun.
Other events like Dramas, Garage Sales, Caroling, Christmas Baking Giveaways, Craft Sales and Clothing Giveaways are all examples of events that SEC has offered to encourage community involvement and fellowship.
Volunteers are always welcomed. Prayerfully consider how you might serve and talk to church leadership or contact the office for the next step!

Music - The ministry of music in SEC involves many in our congregation who have been gifted in this area. At present we have two worship teams who are dedicated to serving during our morning worship.
Drama - SEC has, in the past, enjoyed putting together full-length dramas and presented them either as an outreach tool or as a fundraiser. These dramas have always been well accepted and appreciated. Short skits have been included in the occasional morning worship service. There is a spot for anyone wishing to be involved in this ministry.
Other ways to serve, consider PowerPoint, sound booth and livestream as a way to serve.
Our Librarian does a great job of keeping the shelves full of Christian books to appeal to every interest and every age. In addition to books, there is a good selection of DVDs and puzzles.
Sunday morning prayer time at 9 am, open to any who wish to join.
Weekly Prayer Meeting, Tuesday's 12:00 p.m.
Prayer chain for urgent prayer requests sent via telephone and/or email.
Each Growth Group meeting has a dedicated time of prayer.
Prayer requests can be phoned or emailed into the office for placement on the bulletin prayer list.
Supporting missions around the world is a big part of what SEC is about! Missionaries are welcomed on a regular basis to report and share about what God is doing. Regular Mission Sundays have replaced the annual Missionary Conference.
We have a wonderful team of people who are gifted with skills to keep things running smoothly behind the scenes: mowing grass, shoveling snow, changing light bulbs, fixing things, etc.